Career, Personal Training Kieryn Marcellus Career, Personal Training Kieryn Marcellus

Why I LOVE Coaching

It’s no mystery that I love my job. Ask any of my clients, peers or friends and they’ll tell you how easily rambunctious I can get when I coach, talk about my systems, or discuss my clients’ progress. I live, breathe, and sleep on a bed of love for my field.

But, where does this love come from?

It’s no mystery that I love my job. Ask any of my clients, peers or friends and they’ll tell you how easily rambunctious I can get when I coach, talk about my systems, or discuss my clients’ progress. I live, breathe, and sleep on a bed of love for my field.

But, where does this love come from?

On paper, my job is simple: Design fitness plans for people to help them reach their goals.

In reality: Coaching is a complex combination of interpersonal skills, critical thinking, research, trial-and-error and daily flexibility all under one umbrella of individualization.

Everyday I go into work and coach a motley crew of people with polarizing goals. I can go from an post-surgical ACL repair to an accountant looking to lose weight and hit a body-weight bench press to a woman who wants to resolve chronic elbow pain and also get stronger or a student with a history of lyme disease or even a doctor who really likes to deadlift.

When these clients win, I win. Celebrating the success of my clients is something I’m proud of doing. Their hard work amounts to feats of strength they never thought possible. Crushing deadlifts and smashing bench PRs are all fine and good. They are causes for celebration, but there is NOTHING that compares to when a client tells me how much better they feel because of what we do. I’ve had people come in shocked they did something without pain, joke about having to buy new clothes because they don’t fit, recant how their surgeon was surprised at their pre- and post-surgical outcomes.

I am changing lives for the better. I’m proud of the things my clients can do, I’m excited to see the things my clients will do in months time. I am proud of what I do.

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